Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Salad Days

It's sunny.
It's warm.
And the lettuce is coming out of my ears!

My flukey experiment of planting lettuce in the fall to keep the soil from blowing away has led to lots of lettuce. Loads of it. Legions and legionnaires of it! Mais oui!

Every day I have to harvest another head of lettuce because the stuff is growing like hotcakes. If I sold the lettuce, they'd sell like weeds! And I'd become a millionaire--what piece of cupcake!

For dinner last night I made a French onion soup from scratch but because of the invasion of lettuce, I scrapped the hot soup for a green lettuce salad with cherry tomatoes. And it was delicious.

It's only January and already I'm enjoying these salad days! Bon appetit!


  1. sitting here under 1/2 a foot of snow, reading this, Im missing my garden lettuce. Ah, spring will come :)

    1. Hi Patty,
      Yes! Spring will come! In Southern California we've had such a dry winter. I would LOVE to have some rain or snow here! Enjoy the snow!
